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Outworks.ai Pricing & Plans

Commenting on LinkedIn posts is one of the best ways to build new relationships (and a bigger sales pipeline).

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10 AI Credits / Day
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+25 AI Credits / Day
(35 total credits per day)
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+50 AI Credits / Day
(85 total credits per day)
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Frequently Asked Questions

Everything about Outworks.ai, from features to security and pricing.

How accurate & relevant are the comments?

Outworks.ai takes pride in delivering comments that are not just human-sounding but also relevant to the content you're engaging with. Our Chrome extension works hard to provide you with top-quality comments that match the context and vibe of the posts you're commenting on.

Can I customize the comments generated by Outworks.ai?

Absolutely! In fact, we encourage you to do so. You can customize any comment it generates to make it sound more like you. Inject your personality into those comments, and let your authentic voice shine.

What are the limitations of the free vs paid account?

The free Outworks.ai account has a limit of 10 credits per day due to the operational costs of running an AI product. To access more credits, we encourage users to sign up for our paid plans or inquire about leveraging Outworks.ai for your full team.

What is your data privacy policy?

Our Chrome extension only taps into data from LinkedIn.com and Outworks.ai URLs, and we'll only check out the text from the posts you comment on – nothing else. All your data is treated with care, using end-to-end encryption during transmission and storage. We don't keep any LinkedIn post content (that would be breaking the rules), but we do hang on to some basic metadata for timing of AI requests.

Is Outworks.ai compatible with other social media platforms?

As of now, Outworks.ai is exclusively focused on LinkedIn. It's tailored to help you make a splash in the LinkedIn world with top-notch comments. But who knows what the future holds? We might expand our horizons later on.

Which browsers does Outworks.ai support?

Today, Outworks.ai is only available as a Google Chrome extension - but we plan to expand access to other browsers in the near future.

Ready To Grow On LinkedIn?

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Unlock the power of AI and elevate your LinkedIn presence today. Start now for free and experience the true future of professional networking with Outworks.ai